Dealers' Choice - Fall 2019
T he young people in our Texas Dealer Academy continue to shine. Nowhere was that more evident than their recent day at the Texas Capitol hosted by the TADA Legislative O¦ce. e following TDA members made the trip to Austin in late March for this event: Austin Metro, Hill Country Tim Crenwelge (TDA Trustee), Julian Chargois, Will Hardeman, T. Harper (TDA Past Chairman), Jessica Kajcienski San Antonio W.B. Cavender (TDAChairman), Kate Cavender Dawson, Claire Cavender McNab Central and North Texas Cl a i re Ku ltgen McDona ld (TDA Cha i r Elec t), Brandon Tomes Houston Metro Kali Kirkpatrick, Jordan Smith, Eric Watson Coastal Corey Boucher, Porter Neessen-DeVries, Chris Wall Valley Jacob Boggus, Austin Payne, Nick Tipton Texas Capitol Meeting
e programbegan the night before the group was scheduled to make their visits at the Texas Capitol with a dinner at Lambert’s in downtown Austin. During the gathering for dinner, the group was addressed by TADA Chairman Donnie Buckalew of Conroe, TADA Chair Elect Nancy Harper of Austin, and Rob Braziel and Kate McGrath from the TADA Legislative O¦ce. Joining the group for dinner were also the regional association executives including Pam Crail of San Antonio, Wyatt Wainwright of Houston, and Lexi and D’Anne Buquet of the Valley and El Paso. At breakfast the next morning, the group attended an informational session at the TADA headquarters building where they were given a legislative brieng and discussed the dealer issues in front of the Texas Legislature. And while it just so happened that TADA Capitol Day was also one of the busiest days in the House because the budget bill was on the ªoor, these young dealers were still able to have nearly 30 meetings with legislators and their stas. Whether it was the Houston group pulling Representative Leman (Iola) and Representative Metcalf (Conroe) o the House ªoor for a visit, or the San Antonio group having a hallway meeting with Representative Barbara Gervin- Hawkins (San Antonio), or Representative Raney (College Station) coming all the way back from the ªoor to his o¦ce to visit, the Texas Dealer Academy members did what it took to make these meetings meaningful and productive. Some TEXAS CAPITOL MEETING — CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
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