Dealers' Choice - Fall 2019


HB 3059 / SB 1910 (Holland/Lucio) VTR 136

Legislation as introduced would have repealed required form language and allowed a dealer the sole discretion to title and register a vehicle in the county where the vehicle is purchased. Legislation as introduced sought to impose an additional fee of $200 for an electric vehicle and $100 for a hybrid vehicle due at the time of registration or renewal of registration. Legislation as introduced would have allowed a county to impose an additional fee of $200 or $300 when registering an electric vehicle and would have required the fee revenue to be sent to the county. Legislation as introduced would have allowed for certain munici- palities to impose a fee on new luxury vehicles equal to 1% of the gross sale or lease price. The legislation as introduced would have allow a used car dealer to act as a salvage dealer or store or display a motor vehicle as an agent of an insurance company without a salvage dealer’s license. Legislation as introduced estab- lished a definition for a “flood vehicle” and provided for the automatic issuance of a salvage vehicle title for vehicles that meet this definition. Legislation as introduced requires TxDMV to coordinate with other agencies to ensure they have the information necessary to apply a flood damage notation to the title of repaired or salvaged vehicles using FEMA resources. Legislation as introduced would authorize the DPS to adopt rules providing for the inclusion of out- standing safety recall information on the vehicle safety inspection report.

TADA supported HB 3059 in the House Transportation Committee.

HB 3059 was postponed on the House floor indefinitely. SB 1910 was never heard in Senate Com- mittee.


HB 1971 (K. King) State Fee on Alternatively Fueled Vehicles

TADA supported HB 1971 in the House Transportation Committee.

HB 1971 failed to receive an af- firmative vote in the House Trans- portation Committee on 5/1.

HB 2513 (Martinez) County Fee for Electric Vehicles

TADA opposed HB 2513.

HB 2513 was never heard in the House Transportation Committee.

HB 4326 (Martinez) City Fee on Sales of Luxury Vehicles HB 1667 (Goldman/Hancock) Independent Dealers/ Salvage Dealers

TADA opposed HB 4326.

HB 4326 was never heard in the House Ways and Means Commit- tee.


HB 1667 was amended to extend statutory provisions that currently apply to a licensed salvage vehicle dealer to the holder of an inde- pendent motor vehicle dealer’s general distinguishing number if the motor vehicle dealer acted as a salvage vehicle dealer or rebuilder or stored or displayed a vehicle as the agent of an insur- ance company. HB 2112 was amended to revise the definition of “flood vehicle” to provide for the inclusion of certain vehicles for which an insurance company paid a claim as a result of water damage. HB 2310 was not amended in either the House or Senate.

HB 1667 was signed into law by Governor Abbott on 5/29 and becomes effective on 9/1/19.

HB 2112 (E. Thompson/Zaffirini) Flood Vehicle Definition

HB 2112 was vetoed by Governor Abbott on 6/15.

HB 2310 (Vo/Alvarado) Flood Damaged Vehicles/Titl e

HB 2310 was signed into law by Governor Abbott on 5/21 and becomes effective on 9/1/19.


SB 711 (Hinojosa/Leach) Vehicle Recall Information in Safety Inspection Report

SB 711 was amended to also authorize TCEQ to adopt rules providing for the inclusion of safety recall information on a vehicle inspection report for a vehicle inspected in a county that is included in a vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program. TADA supported SB 711 in both House and Senate Committee. TADA opposed HB 2696 and SB 1599.

SB 711 was signed into law by Governor Abbott on June 14 and becomes effective 9/1/19.

SB 1599 / HB 2696 (Hall/Schaefer) Elimination of Safety Inspections

Legislation as introduced would have eliminated the state vehicle inspection program.

HB 2696 was on the agenda in House Committee but was with- drawn from the schedule. SB 1599 never received a hearing in Senate Committee.


FALL 2019

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